Monday, September 3, 2018

3 Day Military Diet To Lose 10 Pounds in 3 Day

Military diet or 3 day diet is one of the effective diet of losing pounds if a short time. You must eat just what is listed. Nothing more, nothing less.

This diet tested by many people who lost pounds and get in a quick shape. The  military diet isn’t at all related the army is a diet plan that claims to help you lose 10 pounds in a 3 day.

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After I Started To Drink This I Never Did Get Fat Again I Only By Using 2 Ingredients

The military diet is beneficial for the health and it could be repeated after a four-day break. Actually, exercise is Optional, but I’m sure it does not hurt.

Water: It’s the only thing that you’re allowed to drink on this 3 day military diet (other beverages like coffee or tea on one day is probably accepted ).

I recommend a drink, at least, a gallon of water daily. It reduces somehow hunger. Indeed, it is very healthy.

The Three Day Military Diet plan

Military Diet: Day One

To get started, you’ll prep a half grapefruit, slice of toast, scoop of peanut butter and some coffee for breakfast.

And for lunch, it’s tuna, toast and more coffee (or caffeinated tea).

On the dinner menu: three ounces of meat, a cup of green beans, half a banana, a small apple and, yup, a cup of vanilla ice cream.

Military Diet: Day Two

This is where things get especially…interesting. For breakfast you’ll have an egg, a slice of toast and half a banana.
For lunch, another hard-boiled egg, some saltines and a cup of cottage cheese.
And then for dinner, have those hot dogs handy. You’ll eat two mystery tubes plus some fruits and veggies, finished off with more vanilla ice cream.

Military Diet: Day Three

On the last day of the diet, you’ll cut calories down to approximately 1,100 in the following breakdown.
For breakfast, five saltines, an ounce of cheddar cheese and a small apple. Up next, just one egg and slice of toast for lunch.
Then for the grand finale, a cup of tuna, half of a banana and one last cup of vanilla ice cream.

How can the foods of the military diet help you drop those pounds?

Grapefruit: It’s low in calories and rich in vitamin C and is said to induce weight loss when eaten before a meal.

Caffeine: Induces thermogenesis (increases metabolism) in the body, thus, helps in weight loss.

Peanut Butter: Has a low glycemic index (doesn’t cause a sudden spike in blood sugar level after consumption). It breaks down slowly in the stomach so you feel fuller for longer.

Tuna: Is rich in omega-3 fatty acids (a type of fat) which is beneficial to the heart. It’s too known to modulate satiety (make you feel less hungry).

Apple: Is low in calories and is packed with antioxidants and nutrients, therefore, them makes a very healthy snack when you’re on a diet.

Ice Cream And Cheese: This foods are high in calories but contain the nutrients of milk. Dairy products are said to aid in body fat reduction.8 Having ice cream every so often can help reduce your sugar cravings, which can cause you to binge eat.

Green Beans, Broccoli, And Carrots: High in nutrients and fiber. A high fiber intake is associated with a lower body mass index.

Meat, Banana, And Eggs: This foods are rich in protein and nutrients. Them may be beneficial to replace refined carbohydrate with proteins that are low in saturated fat when you prefer to lose some weight. It is advisable to limit the consumption of these food items as they’re packed with calories.

Note: After 3 day diet, you can eat your habitual meal but, don’t exaggerate! In the 4th day, you may eat your regular meal. Then, go back on the 3 day military diet. In this way, you’ll be able to lose up to 40 pounds (18 kg) in a month if you follow this diet correctly.

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